Roger Foodbelly's Fan Box

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve, and here's like I promised the christmas gift, first time ever to hit public eyes - the looks of the main character Roger Foodbelly presented to you as a christmas card!

Now, if you're from Scandinavia, you probably want to go for the scandinavian version. At least it's written in Norwegian.

Now, go and enjoy the christmas spirit! Happy holidays!

- The Roger Foodbelly team


Anonymous said...

God jul
God jul atle! Og ha ett vidundelrig nytt åt.. Lykke te med spillet.
Silje L-P

jannar85 said...

Merry Christmas Atle! Have a wonderful new year! Good luck with the game.
Silje L-P

Thanks! :)